Guraish Aldjufrie

Guraish Aldjufrie Net worth, Age, Height, Weight, Relationship, biography on Wikipedia, and Family

Guraish Aldjufrie is an Indonesian Real Estate Businessman who has succeeded in Indonesia and the USA. He was born on September 21, 1964, and is best known as the former spouse of Kyle Richards.

If you’re curious to know more about him, then you’ve come to the right place! Here, you’ll learn about Guraish Aldjufrie’s net worth, age, height, weight, relationship, biography on Wikipedia, and family. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get to know Guraish Aldjufrie a bit better!

who is Guraish Aldjufrie ?

Guraish Aldjufrie is a successful businessman from Indonesia. He is known for working in the real estate industry in Indonesia and the USA. Guraish was born on September 21, 1964, and has achieved great success in his career.

He is also famous for being the former spouse of Kyle Richards. Despite his achievements, Guraish remains humble and dedicated to his work. He is admired by many for his hard work and determination. Guraish inspires young entrepreneurs who aspire to achieve greatness in the business world.


Date of Birth: September 21, 1964
Weight 79 kg
History: $5 million
Hobby playing sports
 5 feet 9 inches
Religion: Christendom
Marital status: Married

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Early Life and Education

Guraish Aldjufrie had a wonderful childhood growing up in Indonesia. He was born on September 21, 1964, and he was passionate about learning and exploring new things from a young age. Guraish attended school and worked hard to excel in his studies.

His dedication paid off, and he later pursued higher education, where he gained valuable knowledge and skills. Guraish believes that education is the key to success and has always been a strong advocate for continuous learning.

He inspires children everywhere, showing them they can achieve their dreams with hard work and determination.

parents and siblings

Guraish Aldjufrie has a loving family that has always been a source of support for him. His parents, whose names are currently not known, played a crucial role in shaping his values and instilling a solid work ethic in him.

Guraish is grateful for their guidance and believes his family has been instrumental in his success. He also has siblings, but specific information about them is currently unavailable. Nevertheless, Guraish’s close bond with his family reflects his importance on his loved ones .They are a source of inspiration and motivation for his personal and professional life.

Guraish Aldjufrie

Guraish Aldjufrie wife and Girlfriend

Guraish Aldjufrie is a loving husband and caring father. He was previously married to Kyle Richards, but their relationship ended in divorce. While there is no current information available about Guraish’s current girlfriend or wife, it is clear that he values family and relationships.

Guraish’s commitment to his children and dedication to their well-being is evident in his actions. He is a role model for his kids, showing them the importance of love and support. Guraish’s family is a significant part of his life, and he cherishes the moments he spends with them.

Guraish Aldjufrie Children

25-Jul-2023 — Kyle Richards has four children: Farrah, Alexia, Sophia and Portia. Farrah’s dad is Guraish Aldjufrie. He has children whom he adores and supports in all their endeavors. Guraish understands the importance of nurturing and guiding his children as they grow.

He encourages them to pursue their dreams and gives them the tools they need to succeed. Whether attending their school events or simply spending quality time together, Guraish is always there for his children.

He is a role model for them, showing them the value of hard work, dedication, and love. Guraish’s children are lucky to have such a wonderful father!

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Guraish Aldjufrie, born on September 21, 1964, is a successful businessman with an impressive physical appearance. 26-Apr-2023 — He stands at 5 feet 9 inches tall. Weight and Measurements. Guraish Aldjufrie weighs around 79 kgs and has a body measurement of 40-30-35.

While details about his weight and height are not readily available, one can assume he cares for himself and maintains a healthy lifestyle. Guraish’s physical appearance reflects his dedication to his personal and professional life.

With his timeless style and charisma, it’s no wonder that he has achieved such great success in the real estate industry. Guraish Aldjufrie is truly a remarkable individual.

Before fame

Before achieving fame, Guraish Aldjufrie had a regular life just like any other person. He grew up in Indonesia and had a normal childhood. He went to school, played with his friends, and enjoyed spending time with his family.

Quraish had big dreams even back then, and he worked hard to make them come true. He was always curious and eager to learn new things. Little did he know that his determination and passion would lead him to become a successful businessman in the real estate industry.

Guraish’s journey to fame started from humble beginnings, and his story inspires us all.


Guraish Aldjufrie’s career is an exciting journey filled with hard work and determination. He started his career in the real estate industry, where he quickly rose to success. Quraish used his knowledge and skills to invest strategically and build a successful business empire.

His dedication and commitment have paid off, and he is now considered a prominent figure in the real estate world. Guraish’s career serves as an inspiration to young entrepreneurs, showing them that with passion and perseverance, they can achieve greatness. He is proof that dreams can come true with hard work and determination.

Guraish Aldjufrie’s Contributions to Charity and Philanthropy

Guraish Aldjufrie is not only a successful businessman but also a generous philanthropist. He believes in giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the lives of others. Guraish has made numerous contributions to charity organizations and has actively participated in philanthropic events.

His kind and compassionate nature inspires others to make a difference in his footsteps. Guraish’s contributions to charity and philanthropy testify to his generosity and commitment to improving the world. He is a role model for all, including young children, who can learn from his selflessness and kindness.

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Guraish Aldjufrie Net Worth and Achievements

Guraish Aldjufrie has achieved great success as a real estate businessman. His hard work and determination have led him to build a thriving business empire. Guraish Aldjufrie’s net worth is estimated at $5 million US dollars.

Guraish’s success serves as an inspiration to young entrepreneurs, showing them that with passion and perseverance, they can achieve greatness. His contributions to the real estate world have made a lasting impact and solidified his position as a prominent figure in the industry. Guraish’s achievements are awe-inspiring and worthy of admiration.

Guraish Aldjufrie Legacy and Impact

Guraish Aldjufrie has left a lasting legacy and significantly impacted the real estate industry. His hard work, dedication, and success have inspired many aspiring entrepreneurs to chase their dreams.

Guraish’s contributions to charity and philanthropy have also made a positive impact on the lives of others. He has shown that kindness and generosity can make a difference.

Guraish’s legacy reminds us that with determination and a giving heart, we can achieve great things and leave a lasting impact on those around us.

Guraish Aldjufrie Future plains

In the future, Guraish Aldjufrie has many exciting plans. He hopes to continue growing his successful real estate business and expand his investments. Guraish is also passionate about giving back to the community, so he plans to continue his philanthropic efforts and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Additionally, Guraish is always open to new opportunities and challenges. He is constantly seeking ways to learn and grow personally and professionally. With his determination and hard work, there is no doubt that Guraish’s future holds many more achievements and successes. Stay tuned to see what amazing things he will accomplish next!

Guraish Aldjufrie


  • Guraish Aldjufrie is a successful businessman but also enjoys hobbies in his free time. Here are some of his favorite activities:
  • Guraish loves playing sports, especially soccer and basketball. He enjoys being active and staying fit.
  • He is also an avid reader and enjoys reading books on various topics, from business and finance to history and biographies.
  • Guraish is a big fan of traveling and exploring new places. He loves immersing himself in different cultures and experiencing new things.
  • In his downtime, he enjoys spending quality time with his family and friends, whether going on outings, having movie nights, or simply having a good conversation.
  • Quraish also enjoys watching movies and staying up-to-date with the latest releases.
  • Finally, he enjoys cooking and experimenting with different recipes in the kitchen. It’s a creative outlet for him and a way to relax.
  • Overall, Guraish Aldjufrie leads a well-rounded life and pursues activities that bring him joy and fulfillment.

Favourite things about Guraish Aldjufrie

  • Guraish Aldjufrie has many favorite things that bring him joy and happiness.
  • He loves playing sports, especially soccer and basketball. It’s an excellent way for him to stay active and have fun.
  • Guraish is also a big fan of reading. He enjoys diving into books on various topics and learning new things.
  • One of his favorite hobbies is traveling. Guraish loves exploring new places and experiencing different cultures.
  • Spending quality time with his family and friends is another favorite thing of Guraish’s. They have movie nights, go out, and have great conversations.
  • Guraish enjoys watching movies and staying up-to-date with the latest releases.
  • Cooking is another passion of his. He loves experimenting with different recipes and creating delicious meals.
  • Overall, Guraish’s favorite things revolve around staying active, learning, spending time with loved ones, and enjoying good food and entertainment.

Interesting facts about

  • Guraish Aldjufrie has a pet dog named Buddy, whom he adores and considers part of the family.
  • He loves to try different cuisines worldwide and enjoys experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.
  • Guraish is an excellent swimmer and enjoys spending time at the beach or in the pool.
  • He is an avid collector of rare books and has an impressive library at home.
  • Guraish enjoys playing chess and considers it a great way to challenge his mind.
  • He is a big fan of classic movies and enjoys watching them in his free time.
  • Guraish loves to garden and finds peace and relaxation in tending to his plants and flowers.


  • What is Guraish Aldjufrie’s net worth?
  • Guraish Aldjufrie’s net worth is estimated at $5 million US dollars.
  • How old is Guraish Aldjufrie?
  • Guraish Aldjufrie was born on September 21, 1964, making him 59.
  • Does Guraish Aldjufrie have any children?
  • 25-Jul-2023 — Kyle Richards has four children: Farrah, Alexia, Sophia and Portia , Farrah’s dad is Guraish Aldjufrie. He has children whom he adores and supports in all their endeavors.
  • What is Guraish Aldjufrie’s career?
  • Guraish Aldjufrie is a successful businessman in the real estate industry. He has achieved great success and is considered a prominent figure in the industry.
  • Does Guraish Aldjufrie contribute to charity?
  • Yes, Guraish Aldjufrie is known for his philanthropic efforts. He believes in giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the lives of others.
  • What are Guraish Aldjufrie’s plans?
  • Guraish Aldjufrie plans to continue growing his successful real estate business, expand his investments, and continue his philanthropic efforts to impact the world positively.
  • What are Guraish Aldjufrie’s hobbies?
  • Guraish Aldjufrie’s hobbies have yet to be discovered, but he is a dedicated businessman passionate about his work and family.


Guraish Aldjufrie is a fantastic person who has achieved so much in his life. He is a successful businessman, a loving father, and a caring husband. Guraish’s hard work and dedication have made him a role model for many people, including young entrepreneurs.

He has shown that with passion and perseverance, you can achieve greatness. Guraish’s contributions to charity and philanthropy also make him an inspiration.

He believes in giving back and making a positive impact in the world. Overall, Guraish Aldjufrie is incredible, and we can’t wait to see what he will accomplish.

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